Lindy Cake
3rd of October to the 6th of October 2024, in Freiburg, Germany
Dancing, creativity and, yep, lots and lots of cake.
Dancing, creativity and, yep, lots and lots of cake.
Congratulations, you have found the Golden Ticket: your chance to enjoy four days full of dancing, madness, creativity and fun. It's a ticket to a Lindy Cake featuring Gordon Webster, the Hop'sh Bam Connection and The Hot Swing Sextet. But it's more than that, it's an adventure into... event inspired by the wacky tales of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Come prepared for sweets, weirdness and plenty of good old fashioned song and dance! Chocolate bars, a top hat, a silver lift. What more could you possibly ask for?
Gordon Webster, The Hop'sh Bam Connection and Hot Swing Sextett will dance through the nights with us! Be prepared for lots and lots of amazing music ♥
Here's the map to our cookie wonderland:
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